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BONNO Inc. is an American company with a strong presence in Italy, founded by a group of international professors, professionals and travel operators.

Our Mission is to boost people’s careers and lives (students, professionals, travellers) through life-changing training and cultural experiences in the most beautiful European areas. 

We are specialized in organizing, planning and managing training/professional/leisure programs abroad.

We are structured in three main divisions: Nursing Program, Italian Golden Program and Study Abroad Programs.


Italy is not only the most famous peninsula in the world - the Peninsula par excellence - or the 'Bel Paese' of tourists: it is a land where peoples from all over Europe and the Mediterranean have had the opportunity to confront each other, giving shape and development to western civilization; in which the city has become the foundation of the territorial organization, as it is today all over the world; in which the development of the arts and knowledge, love for the past, attention to innovations, the tendency to economic and social progress have become indispensable elements of civilization. Italy today, heir to all this, is not for nothing one of the most advanced countries in the world.

24 National Parks and over 100 regional protected areas protect a territory with extraordinary naturalistic, historical and archaeological riches. Unesco has recognized as many as 44 World Heritage Sites in our country, a number that has no equal anywhere on the planet. Fortunately, in recent years we have witnessed an increased environmental sensitivity in defense of ecosystems of all kinds, favored by a varied climate and a landscape that includes high peaks, plains and very long coastal stretches. Italy contends with France for the supremacy of the largest wine producer in the world and remains, however, the largest exporter.

The Beauty of Italy